Emily Dickinson

Are you mad or do you conform to the rules? Find out below.
Mysterious, brilliant and talented.
Emily Dickinson, an American poet who passed away on the 15th of May 135 years ago.She wasn’t afraid of her solitude, indeed, she took it by the hand and together, closed in her room, wrote the most beautiful poetry of the modern era.Like here, where she talks about the “Risk” of being labelled as “mad” when you don’t conform to the rules of the majority.
Ita. Version:Molta Follia è il più divino Senno –A un Occhio perspicace –Molto Senno – la più assoluta Follia –È la MaggioranzaIn questo, come in Tutto, a prevalere –Approva – e sei sano –Obietta – sei subito pericoloso –E trattato con Catene –
Eng. Version:Much Madness is divinest Sense –To a discerning Eye –Much Sense – the starkest Madness –‘Tis the MajorityIn this, as All, prevail –Assent – and you are sane –Demur – you’re straightway dangerous –And handled with a Chain –
My advice is to always take this risk, never miss this opportunity ????

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